Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This coming Saturday I'm giving a workshop for my local Romance Writers of America chapter, The Rose City Romance Writers. Way back last year when I volunteered ( a moment of madness) to give a workshop I had no idea what I'd teach on. How could I teach? I'm still learning! I've only done two other workshops. One with my critique partners on who to have a successful critique partnership, we will actually be doing this workshop in Salem this coming June. And the other workshop was titled How to Write the Inspirational Novel. But for my chapter I'm going to do one on story layering, which is so important in any story especially suspense stories. There is so much to keep track of, to layer in. I do it in stages. I never have it right in the first, rough draft. It takes at least three to four passes through before I feel its even close to being ready to send in. Is there anyone else out there who layers and layers like I do?
If so give me a wave!
Or am I just too overly picky, perfectionistic? In which case, well, all I can say is it works for me.

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