Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi, this is Margaret Daley. I have been writing romance and romantic suspense for thirty years. Valentine's Day is such a great holiday for a romance writer. I started to do a blog about suspense and Valentine's Day. About the only thing suspenseful I could think of was what would my husband get me this year for Valentine's Day. So I decided to concentrate on the romance part of romantic suspense. After all, if I had to pick between the two, I would definitely pick romance over suspense in my life. It's fun reading suspense but about the most suspenseful thing I want in my life is what is my husband going to get me for Valentine's Day.

On eHarlequin one of the Love Inspired authors asked people what were their worst or best gift they got on Valentine's Day. I have to say my best gift was a beautiful vase of flowers delivered to my school on Valentine's Day from my secret admirer. The girls I taught gushed over them. I love flowers, especially ones that don't die in two days. These lasted a week and every time I looked at them I thought of the wonderful man I am married to. What was even more special about these flowers was that day I was having a difficult day and once I received those flowers all my angst vanished. What is your worst or best gift you received on Valentine's Day?


Mystery and Mayhem said...

I don't actually remember too many Valentine's gifts, but I do remember getting a card from my dear husband, and he'd forgotten to sign it. He said then, "Well, I can use it next year!" We had a good laugh at it.

Dana Mentink said...

My Holly. Actually, she was born the day before Valentine's day, but she'll always be my most special Valentine daughter!

Leann Harris said...

My husband rarely gets me flowers, but this morning, after he left to teach (college), there was a buzz at the front door about 30 minutes after he left. He stood there with a beautiful vase of flowers and a card. What a guy!

Margaret Daley said...

Actually, Barbara, I've done that with my husband. It's a card we recycle.
Dana, what a precious gift.
Leann, gotta love a guy who gives you flowers.

Unknown said...

I actually got the same card for two years in a roll.Apparently,he thought that was a clever,beautiful card and I have to admit it was.We usually do or buy something we both are wanting.Happy Valentine's Day to all!!