Sunday, June 1, 2008

I love books. Any kind of books. The aromas of coffee and books in Barnes and Noble make me sigh with pleasure. The scent of an antiquarian book shop is just as enticing. And I love finding treasures—whether it be “Plotto”, a marvelous, very old book on plotting fiction that I found in an old bookstore in the French Quarter of New Orleans, or the very newest treasures on writing. Whether you are a beginning writer or have a number of books under your belt, there is always so much more to learn!

My office walls are covered with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves filled with novels and research books and books on writing. Debby is reviewing one of my favorites here—and it has been such fun to read her posts on Donald Maass’s “Writing the Breakout Novel.” And I’m learning even more, from the way she is discussing and encapsulating sections of it. I’d like to let you know about a couple of other excellent books—one that has just been released.

If you haven’t read James Scott Bell’s “Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure” (another favorite!!) published by Writer’s Digest Books, I'd like to encourage you to do so. I bought a copy a couple years ago. Started highlighting sections—and then looked back and realized that I’d painted the entire book in highlighter yellow. I bought a copy for my daughter, who plans to be a writer, and bought three copies to give to writer friends...then lost my neon-yellow copy and picked up a replacement for me. I may be one of the author’s biggest customers. (smile)

Well...Bell has done it again. He has a new book out now, “Revising and Self Editing”, also by Writer’s Digest Books. Whether you’re just getting started on a story, have a finished manuscript to fix before submitting to an editor for the first time, or you’re a seasoned author, this book has so much to offer. Must be learned behaviors from my college days, but once again I find myself reading with a marker in hand, highlighting all the things I want to learn, and remember, and try to apply to my own writing. And now....this book by Bell is rapidly turning lime green. (smile) I would love to hear about your favorite books on writing!

Roxanne Rustand

1 comment:

Terri Reed said...

Rox, I am Bell's book on revising and self-editing on order. I can't wait to get it, I've heard its a must.