Friday, May 13, 2011

Confessions of a rule breaker!

Howdy, all. Dana Mentink here.Sorry I'm late, but Blogger was down for a while. I’m humbly blogging about a new fact I learned today. Did you know that it’s against the rules to use a Facebook page to host a contest? Am I the only one that didn’t know that? Frankly, I’m surprised. Even ‘author pages’ are not permitted to host contests or request participation in contests through FB. That means you can’t have people ‘Like’ a page as a way of entering a contest or promotion. Wowzers. I’ve been breaking rules all over the place! So what can you do? Apparently there’s this thingy called a canvas page that one can use instead. This, of course, is more technical info than I can absorb.

I am, by nature, a rule follower, and I am, by circumstance, half way through a monthly contest, hosted on FB. Acck! Criminal! Sinner! RULE BREAKER! How to correct this problem? Not sure. Redirect folks to finish out the contest on my website? But that would mean posting the details to the FB people. It’s also against the rules to alert friends via FB that they won the contest. Oh gee! Now what? Does any savvy reader/author out there have a solution to this? I love hosting contests, especially the kind I’ve been trying lately where there’s a different question every few days and folks can tell a bit about their lives. So what to do, what to do? Any ideas, gentle bloggers? Are you going to miss those Facebook contests?

Here’s a link to the official FB rules if you want to see for yourself.


Linda said...

Does that also mean that those of us bloggers can't post the giveaways of books from our reviews? I've got one coming up. So I can't mention that either?

All these rules on top of the fact that they break their own rules re Google!

desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Dana Mentink said...

As I understand it, giveaways or contests for prizes that can be assigned a monetary value can't be promoted via FB either. Seems like many big companies do the 'like us and you'll get something' thing. Not sure how this all works.