Monday, March 9, 2009

March Madness for Lynette Eason

Happy Monday all,

Yes, the Monday post is late. It's my fault, I confess. I had intended to post in advance but then life got in the way. Since March 1 (well, actually, I think it all started on February 28th, but we'll go with March 1), I've had two kids sick with the flu, a husband who has only been home one night out of all of them up to now, I'VE been sick, three doctor's visits, I have a book due in June that I really need to work on, got my edits for the Steeple Hill book, finished my edits for the Steeple Hill book, tore something in my knee which requires an Orthopedic visit this coming Thursday, my hot water heater died and had to get that replaced to the tune of $700, and found out today that my air conditioner is broken, so I'm hot! Oh, and yes, today is my husband's 40th birthday.

Yes, yes, March Madness abounds in the Eason household, but God is still good. Why? It snowed last week and was in the eighties today! My kids are well, my husband will be home on Thursday, I managed to meet with a friend today and laugh at how crazy my life was and I even remembered I was supposed to post today before it actually became March 10th. Did I mention it was my husband's 40th birthday? And best of all, my internet connection held long enough for this entry to post!

One things the pastor preached on in church yesterday was contentment. Being content no matter the circumstances that surround us. One profound statement he made was this:

Contentment = An anchored peace that is unmoved by the ebb and flow of circumstances.

I'm clinging to that as I learn to be content in the midst of craziness. I lean on the God of the universe who loves me in spite of me.

Now that's awesome!

Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Lynette! I didn't know you had all that going on. You need a Panera break!

Lynette Eason said...

LOL! Definitely. Panera sounds great. Wanna meet me there?