Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dizzy Looking Up?

As a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), I get three of their email loops. Earlier today, I noticed a message from a lady looking for word to describe the dizzying feeling you get when you look UP at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.

I understand her quest, in more ways than one. Yes, I’ve been there. I took this shot, looking up.

When you’re staring at that arch, with the clouds moving behind it, you do have a disoriented sense of the world. It’s an image that messes with your equilibrium, and you’re not sure what’s moving, the arch or the clouds.

Or you.

Sometimes I feel the same way when I’m looking “up,” looking to God for direction in my life. Uncertain, and just a little confused about what’s “moving.” Is this really His path for me or am I “forcing” my own will?

This is when I REALLY have to trust in His ability to turn it all for good, even when it’s ME who’s moving. He can turn it all to good.

Looking DOWN is sometimes easier—relying on the world’s signals and reassurances. Even when the distance is great, we can see boundaries and horizons, things we understand. But in many cases, these are limits that ground our dreams.

So for each of you, I hope you have a grand year of LOOKING UP, trusting and dreaming, even when it makes you a bit dizzy.


Terri Reed said...

Lovely post and soooo true.

Pamela Tracy said...

I want to see the arch. I've never been there, but I have had that disoriented feeling. Great post.

Lynette Eason said...

Very cool, Ramona!

Pamela J said...

Fantastic pictures! I can identify with the dizzy too.