Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The sun is shining and it truly looks as if spring if here. Finally! Signs of spring are everywhere--the trees are budding, the neighbors have a number of gorgeous paint foals romping in their pastures. Our own three horses are shedding into their sleek summer coats already. Soon, our hostas will be peeking up through the woodchips and the apple tree will be in glorious bloom. Every day, there's something new to discover that heralds the new season. Each April, I long for a big garden...until I remember that I seem to have a black thumb when it comes to anything except for those wonderfully hardy hostas!

The past month has offered time for a different kind of discovery as well--I've been catching up on my "To Be Read" stack of Love Inspired Suspense novels. I've been finding excellent authors whom I hadn't read yet, and have been re-visiting old favorites, too. Have you read books by all of the authors on this blog? Check out the list on the sidebar, then make sure you give everyone a try. I'm so happy to be surrounded by such wonderful writers!

Best wishes for a lovely spring,
Roxanne Rustand


Terri Reed said...

Yes, spring is in the air. That was the title of my post over at the Ladies of Romance. We've had wonderful weather the last few days, the flowers are blooming and the sun is finally warm enough to be without a sweater. But alas, the weather man predicts a cold snap moving through the Northwes soon. Spring is such a tease.

Sherry Kuhn said...

It does seem like Spring should be in the air. But here in Kansas it's been a Spring Merry-Go-Round. Just when things started blooming we had a snow and hard freeze. Now things are trying to bloom again but I think the blossoms are a little apprehensive of Old Man Winter clubbing them again. Ah...but that's life in the midwest. Happy Spring (when it does finally arrive).