Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas is Dead?

Well, not really, but we are supposed to come up with titles that could tie into national stories. I am worried about how commercial Christmas is--earlier and earlier each year. Christmas music started earlier in stores and on the radio--and don't get me wrong, I love those songs and listen to Christmas music all year long. Some of the most uplifting songs are Christmas. When I listen to Mary, Did You Know? I cry. Very moving. But commercially it is being pushed so people will go out and buy. Buy. Buy. We are a consumer economy and so many business HAVE to do well at Christmas to stay afloat.

So how are you keeping Christ in Christmas? I read something about looking at Christmas as a big birthday bash for Jesus. Invite friends and family for a birthday party with a cake and decorations for a birthday. Any gifts giving are favors for the party participants. It turns the focus more on Christ. I like that.


Project Journal said...

Hey Margaret!
Funny you should mention the Xmas and some other kids at school were talking about this today. However, 2 years ago a local radio station got enough complaints about how early the Xmas music started(the day after Thanksgiving!), the station manager made them not play ANY Xmas music until the day before Xmas eve. : ( This has happened the last 2 years. Today I heard the first Xmas song on the radio!! So, for us, there's not ENOUGH Xmas music!

Just thought I'd let you know : )

Project Journal said...

By the way, I have seen SO many flamingo ornaments this year and I keep thinking of you!

Vince said...

Hi Margaret:

Maybe it would be best to stretch Christmas out for as long as possible. Especially if the radio stations and stores played the religious Christmas music. This music has a good message. With the government trying to take religion out of everything, this is just the opposite. Don’t think of it as Christ’s birthday. Think of it as a celebration and affirmation of Christianity.


Margaret Daley said...

Hannah, I have a lot of flamingo ornaments. They have become more popular. Vince, I like your idea about Christmas.