Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A day in the life...

Today is my day to blog.  Actually, it's also a day to work hard on the revisions of a book (Winter Reunion) that will be out in November, and though I'm  sorely tempted to also tackle the catastrophic jumble in my office, I'm keeping those impulses firmly in check.  But oh, how easy it is to be distracted!  Have you ever had one of those days?  So far....I've been out to the barn to feed the horses. Husband wanted breakfast, too.  Had the dogs outside twice. No, wait a minute---three times. Went back to the barn to let the horses out.
The phone has rung more times than I can count.  Husband announced he was taking the day off (oh, no!) to do things around the place, which means Helper #1 is on call.  Luckily he has gone off to run errands and I was able to decline that trip to town.   But then I happened to check e-mails, and discovered three or four things that had to be addressed...now.  And the cement people are back, working outside on a patio area that flanks my office...replacing old, cracked concrete with new.  So I'm typing this blog in time to the sound of a jackhammer ...and the dogs are going crazy!   But in a few minutes, I'm going to enable Mac Freedom (a free program that disables my internet for a set amount of time, to avoid any temptations at that kind of distraction), take the dogs out again, say a prayer for good progress, and get to work.

I think all of us set goals, planning to be productive.  What do you do to keep on track when you have a project to complete?  If you have any secrets to share, I would love to hear them!!

Roxanne Rustand
The All Creatures Great and Small Place


Dana Mentink said...

Well I've found the secret to staying focused is...

oopsy. Just realized the bird feeder is empty. And those birds are so pretty, the yellow finches. Reminds me of ornaments on the Christmas tree. We had a great Christmas this year.

Oh right. What was I saying about focus again?

Roxanne Rustand said...

Dana--- I am TOTALLY laughing out loud!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mac Freedom...I've never heard of that program but it sounds exactly like what I need. I mean, here I am, wasting my time leaving comments on blogs instead or working on my WIP. I should really get back to work!

Dana, hilarious!


Lynette Eason said...

LOL! Thanks for the laugh therapy today. Actually, the closer I get to deadline, the better I focus. And the messier my house gets. If I have a clean house, it's pretty obvious I'm not focusing. Although I do get some pretty good ideas when I clean. Not much else to do but think when you're cleaning toilets, right??

And I SO know what you mean by Helper #1 being on call. Hubby is home this week. Word count is down. The two just seem to go hand in hand. If he ever gets a job that keeps him in town during the week, I'm doomed in the writing department.

Oh yeah. Focus. Um. I don't know. But I'll be checking back to see what everyone else has to say. I need the advice!


Debby Giusti said...

Staying on task is always a problem for me...unless, as Lynette mentioned, a deadline looms. Right now, I'm a free woman and enjoying life. But I plan to get a new proposal in the mail tomorrow so I'd better get back to work...after I take a walk, cook dinner, wash the dishes...

Roxanne Rustand said...

Hey Lynette! I'll bet some of the people who stop by here would LOVE to hear your fabulous news! (Hint! Hint!)