Monday, October 15, 2007

Humble Pie

Prologue: It was a dark and rainy night. Our heroine (the writer) drove through the gloomy night as lightning flashed dire warnings of doom. Shadowy figures appeared and disappeared on corners, behind trees, and beside telephone poles (sigh - a telephone booth would be scarier). Gray cars, with muted licenses plates and tinted windows, followed, only to turn away just when our heroine (the writer) started to get suspicious. On the passenger side seat lay a package. Often our heroine would look at the package, shudder, and then with grim determination continue her course. Time was of the essence (think deadline). Finally, the destination loomed ahead.

Knock Knock

Brave Reader (Liz) : Pam, you're here.

Brave Writer (Pam) carefully holding out package: Yes, it was a dangerous drive. Many times I almost turned back.

Brave Reader (Liz) eye package suspiciously: Do you want to tell me about it?

Brave Writer (Pam) just one sob, then a stoic look: It was a line editor with a loaded pen. She bled on every EVERY page, well except two. She rewrote paragraphs, deleted great chapter endings, eliminated humor. She, she, almost killed it.

Brave Reader (Liz) gingerly accepting package: I, I'll read it. I, I'll try to help.

Brave Writer (Pam) hanging head: I hope it can be saved.

Two weeks later

Epilogue: It was a phone call, of all things, that ended the story. Brave Reader (Liz) talking to Brave Listener (Doris).

Brave Reader (Liz): Have you read Pam's first two books?"

Brave Listener (Doris): I tried to buy the first one, but it's out of print.

Brave Reader (Liz): I'd lend it to you but I don't think I have it.

Brave Listener (Doris): Why not?

Brave Reader (Liz): I read them in manuscript form before they go to the editor. I look for mistakes. And, by the way, I'm reading the third in the series and it's the best one yet.

Later Doris picks up the phone and call Brave Writer Pam and tells her...

Letters to Brave Writer (Pam) can be sent care of

RestHaven Home for Neurotic Writers
123 She's Still Blubbering Incoherently Lane
Shock, Arizona 85257

Nuff said!

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