Friday, April 30, 2010

A Snowball's Chance...

Dana Mentink, here. Guess what came in the mail this week? A SNOWBALL! Odd, in California to get such a thing, especially in April, but I digress. It’s an amazing speaker called the Blue Snowball, manufactured by Blue Microphones. Why would a techno idiot such as myself even consider buying the thing? Because I have discovered the beauty of podcasting, my friends. That’s a nifty way you can record stories or music, translate it to an MP3 format, and post it for people to download. I never thought I’d even attempt it, but I have found podcasting to be an absolute joy. Why? Because I can be a storyteller in the truest form. Not limited to mere words, I can show with my voice the feeling behind the words. In the podcast I’m working on now, my main character Martina can sound just as frantic and hunted as I intended. And Joe, the Yavapai hero? Hunky and calm, as is the nature of this vegetarian veterinarian. And then there’s Lucille, a leathery old gal who rides a moped and carries pockets full of meat around. (Did I mention the podcast allows one to mix a little humor in with the suspense? ) Podcasting is truly liberating for a person previously confined to mere words!
My snowball apparently has uses for the musically minded too, so if I decide to take up the electric guitar and start a band called er, Flaky Dana, perhaps, I’m all set. What are the odds of that happening do you suppose? Yep. A snowball’s chance, I’d say!

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