Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring fever...

Just seems like yesterday that we were shoveling snow and bracing against the bitter wind chills in the Midwest...yet now the grass is a rich emerald green, the hostas are growing back again, the horses are shedding out,  and birdsong fills the air.  It's so beautiful and warm that I want to be outside every moment.  Those of you in the south enjoy sunshine all the time, but to those of us up north, this is special!  With the sunshine and blue skies, my hope and excitement always builds, and I'm off to the garden center once again.   It's always an iffy proposition, though--I must be the only person on the planet who can't even grow zucchini.  I think I would be better off just curling up with a good book!

So, what are your plans for spring?  Do you garden?  Plant flowers?  Do you have fun travel plans coming up?


Leann Harris said...

Roxanna, I am the mad gardener and it's always a fight for me in the spring to write and not be out everyday planting and digging.

Roxanne Rustand said...

I'll bet you a lot more successful at it than I am, too!!


Dana Mentink said...

Yep, I've got MAD gardening skills too. The snails will tell you so.