Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm never Lisa Mondello

The subject of retirement always seems to come up in conversations that I have with my friends. Over coffee a few weeks back a friend was discussing how she wanted to retire early and that over the next few years she wanted to put as much money into her 401K to make that happen. It sounded like a good plan to me. She works in an office and although she likes her job and the people she works with, she longs to have time to stay at home and putter around the house and make cookies.

I realized then that I am never retiring. You see, for years, I've had the best of both worlds. I work at home as a freelance writer and write fiction. Now, I can see giving up writing sales letters...eventually. (There are some days I feel like an infomercial!) But fiction? NO WAY! Why on earth would I give up something I love doing? I get to hang out with imaginary people all day AND bake cookies. Writing is the best job in the world!

So, I've decided that I'm never going to worry over the balance of my 401K. I'm not going to worry about how many years I have left until I can enjoy the big R. I'm just going to live my life as I do now (minus the sales letters) and write. As it is I have enough ideas on my hard drive to keep me going for years even if I never get another story idea.

Many blessings, Lisa Mondello

1 comment:

Liz Johnson said...

I think that's wise! I do have a day job, and, while I really enjoy it, I do think about the day when I can work from home just writing fiction, too. :)