Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Passing Seasons

Today is the first day of school for my daughter. Tomorrow the first day for my son.
It also marks the passing of a season. Or the ushering in of a new one, depending on how you look at it.
This past year was a roller coaster ride and I'm glad for it to be over. I'm looking forward to this new season with anticipation and hope. I can't wait to see what God will do next in my life, my writing and in the world. For me, today is like New Year's day on in September.
Have a glorious day everyone and may this new season bring you much joy.


Pamela Tracy said...

Is that you in the picture? You should be on a book cover.

Terri Reed said...

Yes, that's me. Thanks for the compliment. LOL.
I was in Denver at the Budweiser plant (we have a friend who works there). And that's a pair of Cyldesdale colts. They were so friendly. I could have stayed there rubbing their noses all day long.