Did someone mention fear? I don't like to fly but I've learned to get over my fears on that front. I don't like the dark. I have always had night lights in my house. That's because when I was little I lived in an old farmhouse and all sorts of creepy, crawly things used to find their way into that house, especially after dark.
Even now, I like to have a little moonlight glistening throughout the room when I wake up. Funny, though, about light. We have a small bathroom window that I can see through when I wake up at night (which I do quite frequently--always been a light sleeper.) We have wooden blinds on that window but I like to leave them slanted so the moonlight will filter in. Only now, in the woods behind our yard a company is building something big and mysterious. They've had this yellow security light installed and now when I wake up that yellow light coupled with the shadows of the leaves on our giant oaks trees does strange things to my sleep-fogged brain. I can imagine the shapes into faces, hands waving, anything that scares me. Once, I actually woke my husband up and had him shut the blinds because I was terrified to use the bathroom! It's silly but then I don't watch scary movies either. And yet, I have no qualms about going downstairs in the middle of the night in the dark to get a drink or take a pain pill! And we have big bay windows all over the bottom of the house. But my worst fear is that I'll sneak out to the mailbox in my ratty pajamas and someone will actually see me without any make-up on and run away screaming. That would be much scarier than those images in my window! Remind me to tell y'all in another post about the time I encountered an "intruder" in our townhouse when we lived in Atlanta.....
LOL, Lenora. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on fear. It's good to know I'm not the only one who likes a little light on during the night. One night when my kids were little and my husband was gone, I kept hearing this noise like someone was trying to get in my house! I was terrified and called 911. The very kind officer politely informed me that the perp was an overgrown bush outside my daughter's window. Was my face red! You see why I'm a suspense writer??
That sounds like me. But it's better to be safe than sorry, I think.
Even if it is embarrassing sometimes.
Lenora :)
I'm a fraidy-cat, too. Maybe suspense writers need that fear to be able to write scary stories?
(Any brave suspense writers out there?)
I always worse-case situations. It's dark. I hear a noise. It has to be a masked gunman who's ready to break in. Someone else might say it's just the wind.
Worse case? Sorry. It's worst case.
At least we know we've written something good when we scare ourselves!
Thanks for sharing Lenora. I am so glad that another adult likes to have a light on at night and sees weird things outside but also doesn't want anyone to see her without makeup. Amen to that!!! Before we were married my husband used to say "just leave your make-up off. It's no big deal". Than one day he showed up unexpectedly at my apartment. (horror of horrors) I had just washed my hair and removed my make-up to reapply it. I hid behind the door until he finally coaxed me out. He didn't look shocked but very lovingly said "It's okay if you want to take the time to put your make-up on. I can wait". :) A pastor we knew used to say..."If the barn needs painting, paint it". So I paint it.
Debby - you crack me up! But I'm the same way!
It is extremely interesting for me to read this blog. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
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