Time, time, time. There never seems to be enough of it. If I could extend the day by 12 hours I might be able to get through it getting everything done that I want to get done. But alas, the day is not 36 hours long. I have to squeeze my to-do list in a mere 24 hours like everyone else. Most of the time I forgo sleep to do it.
Like most busy people, I have to juggle work, family obligations, writing deadlines and manage to squeeze in the occasional book to read. It's really not unlike other non-writers who lead full lives. With one exception. My office is mobile.
Take today. I have a deadline on a freelance project I'm working on. I also have to cart the kids around to their summer jobs since they don't have a car of their own to drive. With two kids at home, that means I could easily spend 3-4 hours a day just driving when I could be writing! I'm no electronic geek by any stretch, but a few little modern mobile devices like my Nook Color, cell phone with Internet access, laptop with wi-fi connection and Dragon Naturally Speaking software I can turn just about anything from the car to Dunkin Donuts into my office. And since a lot of places now have wi-fi (I have them all mapped out.) I can do just about any kind of work that I need to get done while on the road.
I get a lot of strange looks from people. I'll give you that. But it gets the job done at the end of the day. And if I'm super organized and take 10 minutes to throw something into the crock pot in the morning, I don't even have to make dinner when I get home.
What are your time saving tools/strategies to get through the day? I'm always up for a new way to make things easier.
Many blessings, Lisa
Very cool. I refer to my car as the 'Mobile Office' too but I keep it low tech, notepads, pencils, tape and scissors! I spend too much time in front of a screen as it is, so I didn't want to feed the habit.
Hi, I have a question concerning Lisa Mondello. I've read a few of her earlier books which are Love Inspired but I'm noticing that her later books are not Christian based and actually have some bad language and sexual innunedos in them. Does she still write for the Christian sector?
Joyce Swaim
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